
 2025 ISEPS/COS Annual Meeting

Sponsored by the
Illinois Society of Eye Physicians & Surgeons
and the Chicago Ophthalmological Society


Clinical Program for Ophthalmologists

Friday, March 7, 2025 (one full day)

Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL

Please join us for an in-person day of superb clinical education that will appeal to ophthalmologists in every subspecialty.  The 2025 conference offers attendees lectures on cutting-edge topics and provocative discussion panels.

Running concurrently with the clinical sessions will be a full day of practice management presentations open to any attendee of the conference, but especially geared toward practice administrators and doctors with management responsibilities..

Online Registration is Now Open

When registering online, please sign-in to the website using your existing user name and password.  If you create a new profile, you will not get the member discount price.  If you do not know your log-in credentials, simply click on the "forgot" links on the sign-in screen and that information will be send to you at the address on file in our system.  Need help?  Contact the ISEPS-COS office at:  847-680-1666, or email:  [email protected].

Get registration details here

Detailed Program (PDF file)  

Please plan to stay for an hour after the conference ends for a social hour -- cocktail reception at the convention center.  All attendees are invited!

Meet Our Named Lecturers


Frank J. Kresca Lecture


Navigating the Evolving Healthcare Landscape: Ophthalmology’s Strategic Role

Shlomit Schaal, MD, PhD, MHCM 

Executive VP and Chief Physician Executive, Houston Methodist; President and Chief Executive Officer, Houston Methodist Physician Organization; Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology, Houston Methodist Academic Institute; Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology, Weill Cornell College of Medicine


Sanford R. Gifford Memorial Lecture


Practical Present Considerations and Future Directions in Fuchs' Dystrophy 

Deepinder Dhaliwal, MD, L.Ac

Professor of Ophthalmology, Director of the Refractive Surgery Service, Medical Director of UPMC Laser Vision/Aesthetic Center, Director and Founder of Center for Integrative Eye Care, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 

Illinois Society
for the
Prevention of Blindness 
Guest Lecture



30 years of Glaucoma Practice: Why I am so excited to go into work every day

Leon W. Herndon, Jr., MD

Professor of Ophthalmology; Chief, Glaucoma; Duke University; Durham, NC



Topics for General Sessions

  • Clinical topics include medical and surgical management for cataract, cornea, retina, glaucoma, oculoplastics, neuro-ophthalmology, pediatrics, inflammatory disease
  • OMIC - Risk management presentation (qualifies for 10% OMIC premium discount)
  • Public policy & advocacy
  • Physicians also can attend the concurrent practice management sessions if they wish

Detailed ProgramCLICK HERE (PDF format) 
Conference Overview Timetable - CLICK HERE (PDF format) coming soon

Schedule Overview  (times may be approximate)

Friday, March 7, 2025

     7:15 a.m. -- Registration & Continental Breakfast in the exhibit area
     8:25 a.m. -- General Session I
     9:45 a.m. -- Break in the exhibit area
     10:20 a.m. -- General Session II
     12:00 p.m. -- Buffet lunch in the exhibit area
     1:15 p.m. -- General Session III
     2:55 p.m. -- Break in the exhibit area
     3:25 p.m. -- General Session IV (OMIC presentation @ 4:00 pm)
     5:00 p.m. -- Adjourn for the day
     5:00 - 6:00 p.m. -- Cocktail reception for all attendees

Registration Information

Special Note - Early Bird pricing runs through Monday, February 24.



  Early Bird
until 2/24
Regular Late/On-site
after 3/3
ISEPS or COS Members
(or other state society member)
$295.00 $350.00 $450.00
Non-member ophthalmologists $375.00 $475.00 $575.00
Residents or fellows in training $50.00 $50.00 $100.00
Fully retired physicians $75.00 $75.00 $150.00

Refund Policy --  Cancellations received by the ISEPS/COS office no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4 will be eligible for a refund less our standard $25 processing charge.  We are unable to offer refunds for last-minute cancellations "no shows" at the conference.  If you wish to cancel a registration, please email or call with the name of the attendee and the session for which they registered (physician, administrator, ophthalmic technician).  

Email - [email protected]    Phone:  847-680-1666

PRE-REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED.  If you are attending and have not yet signed up, plan on registering on-site.


When registering online, please sign-in to the website using your existing user name and password.  If you create a new profile, you will not get the member discount price.  If you do not know your log-in credentials, simply click on the "forgot" links on the sign-in screen and that information will be send to you at the address on file in our system.  Need help?  Contact the ISEPS-COS office at:  847-680-1666; Email - [email protected].

The online registration form will automatically apply the date-based pricing for "early bird" and "late" registrations.

If you prefer to not register online or you want to pay with a check, download a paper registration form and return to us with your payment. 
     Email to:  [email protected]     Fax:  847-680-1682
     Regular mail:  10 W. Phillip Rd., Suite 120; Vernon Hills, IL  60061-1730

     PDF form:  CLICK HERE  

Conference Facility Information

View an overview of the schedule for all three sessions:  physicians, administrators and techs (PDF file)  coming soon

Return to the conference overview page

Program Co-chairs

Roshni Vasaiwala, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology; Loyola University Medical Center
Maywood, IL

  Rukshana G. Mirza, MD, Ryan-Pusateri Professor of Ophthalmology and Medical Education; Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Chicago, IL


Continuing Medical Education

Intended Audience

This program will be of interest to all practicing ophthalmologists, but in particular, those who are likely to encounter a variety of eye diseases and conditions in their practice.  Residents and fellows in training also would benefit from this program.  All attendees will find the advocacy, risk management and coding presentations to be especially useful.

Learning Objectives

The purpose of this program is to describe the latest advances in medical and surgical eye care and to discuss issues which are sometimes seen as the subject of controversy. Topics will include diagnostic and therapeutic consideration related to cataract, external eye diseases, refractive surgery, glaucoma, retinal diseases, neuro-ophthalmology, pediatrics, oculoplastics, ethics and practice management subjects.


Contact the ISEPS-COS administrative office --
   By phone:  800-838-3627
   By email:  [email protected]

 Return to the main conference webpage


Last Updated on Thursday, March 06, 2025 07:56 AM