Governmental Affairs

Check this page for updated information regarding pending legislative issues.

ISEPS Action Center

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Legislative and Political Information & Resources

The links below will be useful to learn more about Illinois state government and the General Assembly.  If you have any questions about legislative issues, please feel free to contact the ISEPS administrative office.

Read about our longtime lobbyist Vince Persico and the Advocacy Award dedicated to his memory.

News Updates


Illinois Legislative Calendar--View schedules of the Illinois General Assembly and legislative dates of interest to Illinois ophthalmologists.

Illinois General Assembly--Track legislation, search for bills, access Illinois Senate and House member web pages, and much more!

Find Your Elected Officials -- Learn who represents you at the state and federal level by entering your address.

State of Illinois Homepage--This site connects you to state government agencies in Illinois.

Visits to the Illinois State Capitol -- Download Map

Illinois Register - proposed rules from state agencies, published by the Secretary of State

Illinois Department of Professional & Financial Regulation--This is the agency responsible for professional licensing and regulation.

Illinois State Board of Optometry -- Oversees the licensure and discipline of optometrists in Illinois.  Items at this website include optometry board agendas and approved minutes.

Physician Profile Search--This will connect you to a new Internet-based system that allows the public to search for physicians in Illinois.

Political news, polls and updates - Real Clear Politics

Ballotpedia - an interactive almanac of U.S. politics

Last Updated on Monday, December 30, 2019 02:55 PM